GEM – Green Education in Media

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GEM aims to reconnect media curricula to today’s environmental reality by introducing subjects and methods that reflect on and work at the intersection between environmental reality and digitality. “Environmental reality” encompasses nature and its phenomena, as well as the interrelation of man-made environments and the natural environment.
The curricula of study programmes related to digital media design and production currently focus on the creation of digital and virtual worlds. These worlds occur in different forms, such as storyworlds in filmmaking, serial writing and games, virtual explorable worlds in XR and digital communities in social media design. While digital skills and competencies are important to the students in today’s labour market, the related study programmes tend to create a kind of “digital bubble” of their own, neglecting the impact of digital technology on our natural environment.

GEM explores these challenges from different perspectives, which will each be pursued in dedicated work-packages:
WP2 – Alternative media learning spaces
WP3 – Environmental Impact of Media Design & Production
WP4 – Stories of environmental impact and climate change
WP5 – Building an environmental media curriculum

Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership between nine partners:

Together they are working on:

  • Heightening environmental awareness and fight against climate change
  • Supporting digital and green capabilities of the higher education sector
  • Disseminating green skills among teachers and students
  • Creating new, innovative or joint sustainable curricula or courses
  • Developing digital content, technologies and practices